Food Lab
Pulvinar et turpis arcu mauris vestibulum adipiscing nunc aliquam enim a commodo, nibh scelerisque risus facilisis sit sed libero nisl quisque pretium, et mauris.
- Introduction
- What We Do
Food Laboratories is a Sub-Section of Laboratories Section in the Technical Wing of the Punjab Food Authority. Food Laboratories have been working since May 2012 as per Article 21 of the PFA act 2011, with an objective to check adulteration and contamination of food samples in order to ensure food safety and Quality.
Currently three stationary laboratories are working in Punjab, out of which two are in Lahore while one is in Multan. Moreover, two Mobile Food Laboratories are working in Lahore and Rawalpindi.
Establishment of Food Labs of PFA is a practical and systematic step in;
- Implementation of food safety system to curtail the risk of food adulteration
- To curb the food borne diseases
- To diminish the health risks associated with utilization of unsafe food in Pakistan.
Food Laboratories are working with an objective to check adulteration and contamination of food samples in order to ensure food safety and Quality.