
Automated food labelling and product registration will soon be launched to facilitate food business operators

The introduction of automated food labelling and product registration is an initiative that offers a comprehensive solution for food business operators. This system aims to eliminate the reliance on paper-based processes and provide a hassle-free experience, encompassing tasks such as challan generation, application submission, query handling till final approval. Details will be shared soon

Automated food labelling and product registration will soon be launched to facilitate food business operators Read More »

Automated identification of unlicensed premises through GIS

The Authority has taken the initiative to implement an automated identification process aimed at identifying unlicensed food premises and bringing them into the licensing regime. By utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS) technique, the Authority aims to identify unlicensed food businesses throughout Punjab, ensuring their inclusion within the licensing framework.

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Street Food Safety Accelerated: Regulating Food Carts for a Healthier Bite

The Authority has launched the “Street Food Safety Initiative” to regulate food carts and promote healthier street food options. Through inspections, training, and public awareness campaigns, the authority aims to ensure food safety standards, educate vendors, and enhance consumer confidence in hygienic street food choices.   Details will be shared soon

Street Food Safety Accelerated: Regulating Food Carts for a Healthier Bite Read More »

Establishment of Separate Directorate of Used Cooking Oil

The Authority is taking a proactive step towards the future by establishing a separate directorate focused on used cooking oil-related matters. This forward-thinking initiative aims to combat the prevalent issue of reusing rancid oil in food establishments. By creating a dedicated directorate, a comprehensive platform is established, serving as a unified solution that consolidates all

Establishment of Separate Directorate of Used Cooking Oil Read More »

Establishment of Separate Directorate of Milk

The Authority is making significant strides in ensuring the safety and quality of milk by establishing a separate directorate dedicated to milk-related matters. This progressive step aims to address the specific challenges faced by stakeholders concerned with milk production, processing, and distribution, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the provision of safe milk to the

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Nourishing the Hajj Journey: Punjab Food Authority’s Awareness Nutrition Camp at Multan Airport

ملتان13جون فریضہ حج کی ادائیگی۔۔صحت اور سہولت کے ساتھ حج پر جانے والے مسافروں کیلئے پہلی دفعہ بڑی سہولت پنجاب فوڈ اتھارٹی نے حج نیوٹریشن گائیڈ کا باقاعدہ اجراء کر دیا ڈی جی فوڈ اتھارٹی راجہ جہانگیر انور نے ملتان ائیر پورٹ پر حج نیوٹریشن گائیڈ ڈیسک کا افتتاح کیا حج نیوٹریشن گائیڈ نے ہر

Nourishing the Hajj Journey: Punjab Food Authority’s Awareness Nutrition Camp at Multan Airport Read More »

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