The presence of the Research and Development section is indispensable for any food regulatory body across the globe in order to ensure rationale-based regulatory decisions. The primary purpose of this Research and Development is to provide essential information in a rational, logical, technical, and systematic manner while adhering to effective research and development strategies. Furthermore, other functions of the R&D section include the development of testing protocols, guidelines, SOPs, and public awareness content based on concrete scientific evidence. Ph.D. degree holders from PFA have been engaged in the Research and Development section to address different food-related issues and their research-based solutions to meet the core objective of the Punjab Food Authority as a policy matter.
Provision of scientific solutions to effectively achieve organizational goals and to plan and execute need-based research with a special focus on technical issues being faced by the Punjab Food Authority, the general public, and food business operators.
Completed Projects
- Development of Milk Adulteration Testing Kit (MATK) and third-party validation from PCSIR
- Development of spice adulteration testing kit for on-spot testing
- Method for the detection of oil-soluble dyes in rendered fat and oil
- SWOT Analysis of Punjab Food Authority
- Impact analysis of Punjab Food Authority through analysis of available data (2018-2020) of loose milk, filtered water, fat and oil
- Development of Sampling SOPs for 37 food commodities
- Guidelines for roadside vendors of 11 food commodities/categories
- SOPs for calibration of on spot testing equipment’s Testo 270, Food oil meter, TDS meter, pH tester, Lactoscan milk analyzer and Refractometer
- Development of PFA Road Map as a member of Road Map Committee
- Research Paper on Organizational Restructuring as a member of the Organizational Restructuring Committee (ORC)
- Research paper on Quality Assessment of Loose/Raw Milk in Lahore: From Consumers Perspective
- Guidelines for integrated pest management (IPM) measures for the food business
- Awareness brochure for freshness indicators of raw fish and guidelines FBO related to frying of fish
- Guidelines for Jaggery and Shakar manufacturing units
- Awareness brochure for refrigerator storage and management at the household level
- Guidelines for FBOs of milk shops and about checking meat quality through indicators
- Guidelines/SOPs for FBOs related to water filtration plants and frying units
- Awareness brochure for checking quality of eggs
- Awareness brochure for checking quality of meat
- Development of Guidelines for the pickle manufacturing unit
Research And Development - On-Going Projects
- Development of strip-based milk testing kits for selected adulterants
- Third-party validation of spice adulteration testing kit from PCSIR
- Detection of vegetable fat in desi ghee
- Detection of metanil yellow in pulses and parboiled rice
- Detection of daal matri flour (used as an adulterant in basin)
- On-spot qualitative tests for the detection of cellulose, gelatin, sulphates, maltodextrin, banzoic acid, salicyclic acid and coloring matter in milk
- On-spot qualitative testing techniques to check the quality of raw meat
- Detection of rancidity in mustard oil
- Detection of adulterants in Desi Ghee (palm oil, coal tar dyes, mineral oil, mashed potatoes, paraffin waxes, artificial colors)
- Determination of Sulphur dioxide in food commodities
- Determination of unsaponifiable matter and iodine value in fats and oils
- On-spot detection of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) in foods and drinks
- Home-Based Adulteration Testing Method
- Impact analysis of Punjab Food Authority through analysis of available data (2020-2022) of major food commodities (water, milk, beverages, fats and oils)
Research And Development - Future Projects
- Development of on-spot rapid testing kit for peroxide value of frying oil
- Detection of invert sugar in honey and mineral acid in vinegar
- Survey-based impact analysis of food safety awareness among public/consumers
- Quality assessment of loose/raw milk samples from consumers in five major districts of Punjab on Lahore model
- Development of rapid testing methods for detecting vegetable ghee adulteration in Khoya
- Conduct surveys/interviews of the public periodically to study their behavioral and awareness changes toward food safety.
- Development of risk assessment protocols to determine toxicology of food additives and food contact materials.
- Capacity development of laboratory for testing packaging materials.
- Development of different techniques for detecting stabilizers in different foods
- Other projects as per responses/inputs received from different wings

Dr Farhan Aslam
Deputy Director
Qualification: PhD Food and Nutrition from University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore.
MSc(Hons.) Food Technology, MS- Total Quality Management
Research Fellowship: School of Nutrition & Health Promotion, Arizona State University, USA.
Areas of Interest: Human Nutrition, Functional Foods, Clinical Research, Food Safety

Dr. Muhammad Sohail
Qualification: M. Ph. D Food Technology from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Area of Interest:
Food Safety, Food Toxicology, Functional Foods, Human Nutrition and Clinical Research

Dr. Zafar Iqbal
Qualification: Ph. D Food Technology from University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Research Fellowship: MSU USA
Area of Interest: Post-Harvest Physiology, Fruits Processing and Preservation

Dr. Hafiz Khuram Wasim
Qualification: Ph. D Food Technology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Area of Interest: Fresh-Cut technology for Fruits and vegetables. Food packaging and modified atmosphere packaging

Dr. Sumaira khalid
Qualification: Ph. D Food Technology from Arid Agriculture University. Research fellowship at university of queensland Australia Area of Interest: Functional foods, Nutraceuticals