Legal Wing
Pulvinar et turpis arcu mauris vestibulum adipiscing nunc aliquam enim a commodo, nibh scelerisque risus facilisis sit sed libero nisl quisque pretium, et mauris.
- Introduction
- Responsibilities
Punjab Food Authority has been established under the provisions of the “The Punjab Food Authority Act, 2011” with an objective to protect the public health, to provide safe and standardized food to the whole of the Punjab. It is important to mention here that public health and food safety are fundamentally important in any civilized society and a great responsibility also lies on the State to ensure that the food sellers, retailers and manufacturers etc. prepare and sell food in clean, hygienic and sanitary conditions as per the notified standards.”
- Drafting/Vetting of appeals, writ petitions, written statements as well as para-wise comments.
- Formulation of regulations under the Punjab Food Authority Act, 2011.
- Drafting of replies of Assembly Questions & Adjournment Motions.
- To present PFA in all court
- To render Legal Opinions.