Automated Food Label Approval
Process For Label Approval
Submission of Label
Submission of Label by the FBO either in District Office or Head Office
Opinions by Committee (4 days)
Review of the labels by the Committee (Opinion) Opinion page.
Intimations/ Reply To /Reminders/Meeting Notice/Hearing Notice (2 days)
Drafting of letter to FBO in the light of observations raised by Committee (Intimation Letter).
In-case of non-compliance to standards
- Review of the amended labels by AD (LB) and drafting of letter (Reply-to)
- Reminder Letter
- Meeting Notice
Certificate after submission of amended label (2 days)
In-case of Compliance to Standards
- Review by the Committee
- Drafting of Certificates - Submission of file for final Approval by DD/ADG/wDG -
Label Approval (4 days)
Mandatory Labeling Requirements
Manufacturing date, Expiry date and batch number
Category name
Manufacturing address
Nutrition Facts
Net Content
Allergen warning
Storage conditions
Documents Required
Colored legible copy of product label
Halal certificate
PFA license copy
Challan copy
ID card copy
Certification of claims
Analysis report of Nutrition facts