Conducted a Nutrition Awareness Seminar at The Punjab College Multan for Safe Food City Project

On 19.10.2023, in Multan district, the Nutrition Section of Punjab Food Authority (PFA) organized a Nutrition Awareness Seminar at The Punjab College Multan . This seminar was conducted as part of the SAFE FOOD CITY PROJECT . The seminar was attended by approximately 55 participants , including College Management, Faculty members, and students.

During the Nutrition Awareness Seminar at The Punjab College Multan, several important topics were discussed. These included:

1. Introduction of Punjab Food Authority and its Wings
2. Introduction of the Safe Food City Project
3. Sustainable Healthy Diet
4. Food items that are allowed and not allowed
5. Awareness about how to read and understand food labels
6. Awareness about maintaining a balanced diet
7. A Q&A session was conducted at the end of the seminar, allowing participants to ask nutrition-related questions.

To provide further information and resources, nutrition-based brochures were distributed among the audience. These brochures aimed to enhance their understanding of nutrition and promote healthy eating habits.


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