The Punjab Food Authority (PFA), under the guidance of the Director General and Deputy Director Operations Rajanpur, conducted an essential Food Safety and Nutrition training session at District Jail Rajanpur. The training aimed at educating Jail Police Staff, Mess Staff, and approximately 70 prisoners on the significance of food safety, hygiene, and proper nutrition. The session covered critical topics, including the importance of safe food practices, the risks of food contamination and adulteration, and the prevention of foodborne illnesses. Participants were also introduced to personal hygiene practices, the importance of balanced diets, and how to control nutritional loss while ensuring optimal food safety standards.
The training concluded with a demonstration of the PFA Nutrition Clinic’s services, underscoring the authority’s ongoing efforts to promote public health and well-being. The Superintendent of the Jail praised PFA’s commitment to improving food safety awareness and supporting healthier lifestyles within the prison community. The session reinforced the need for continuous education on food safety and hygiene, particularly in institutional settings, to ensure the health of both staff and inmates.